Our neighborhood issues section will highlight the current issues that are facing our neighborhood.

Renaming Homer G. Phillips Hospital? send us your thoughts at info@carrsquareneighborhoodassociation.com

need new voter registration or change of address form? Let us know via the site and we’ll assist you.

Current Neighborhood Communication with Project Connect:

Ms. Brown,

The Carr Square Neighborhood planning community members were excited to attend the first round of Neighborhood planning activities led by Civitas. However, at this meeting we were very disappointed at how the presentation of our neighborhood was being displayed and planned for future development without including our African American Stakeholders as well as their institutions. From the onset of our planning process, this was not a good look for our neighborhood as we begin to work with you all to plan for the future.

As you have been made aware of, the Carr Square Neighborhood is an African American neighborhood which consist of African American stakeholders that have anchored our neighborhood over the past 80yrs and not one of them, nor their businesses were mentioned in your presentation. The focus was on institutions and businesses such as The Flance Center, an early childhood center in lieu of Elmer Hammond Day Care Center. Elmer Hammond is an African American stakeholder who has educated thousands of children in our neighborhood since its inception in 1977 which predates the Flance Center. The future development of the Elkay building was displayed via pictures and mentioned, although the community spoke out overwhelmingly and signed petitions against it. There was no updated mention of what services it would provide, nor was there any communication regarding the opposition to their planned location and lack of ownership and or partnership with the African American Stakeholders. The residents were originally promised a community center within this proposed development.

With the notion of NGA spurring growth and development in its surrounding neighborhoods, we want to make sure that we assist in the planning and development of the Carr Square Neighborhood, by way of community benefit agreements, development partnerships, ownership opportunities, and equity for the sustainability of the African American Stakeholders. We would also like to make Civitas, CDA, SLDC, and others aware of the direction we would like to go in, as well as solicit their assistance and support as we plan for the betterment of the Carr Square neighborhood and its future. Your help regarding this matter will not only prevent the African American Stakeholders from being left behind, but it will also give everyone involved the opportunity to right several past wrongs regarding the development of our neighborhood.

Please let us know how you can assist us in our endeavors as we plan the development for the Carr Square Neighborhood.


Carr Square Neighborhood Planning Committee Members